The Benefits of Getting a Blood Test

The Benefits of Getting a Blood Test

Blood tests are a reliable, effective and fast way for a doctor to get a snapshot of your overall health and wellbeing. And while getting a blood test may seem overwhelming – especially for those with a fear of blood or needles – a well-trained pathologist can put you at ease during the process.

There are a multitude of benefits as to why a doctor might get you to have a blood test. And in this blog, we’re going to cover some of those benefits.

Learn how well your organs are functioning

Learn how well your organs are functioning

Getting a blood test is a relatively non-invasive and accessible way of checking how well your organs are. If your doctor thinks there’s any issues with your organs, then they’ll get you to do a blood test.

Blood tests can provide insight into certain vitamins and minerals in your body, which in turn can give your doctor an understanding of what organs need attention from a health perspective.

Indicates what causes certain medical symptoms

Indicates what causes certain medical symptoms

If you’re experiencing certain symptoms, your doctor might get you to have a blood test to work out what’s causing those symptoms.

As an example, if you’ve unexpectedly lost or gained more weight than usual, then a blood test might show that your thyroid is over- or under-active. Another example is experiencing symptoms of fatigue – a blood test can show that you might be low in iron.

You can also get a blood test to check if you have diabetes or if you’re at risk of heart disease.

Checks your hormone levels

Checks your hormone levels

Another great benefit of getting a blood test is that it can help to monitor your hormone levels. There are many hormones in our body that serve different functions and purposes, so it’s important that these hormones are monitored on a semi-regular basis to ensure that they’re well balanced.

During these types of blood tests, the results can help doctors identify fertility problems, where you’re at in your menstrual cycle or if you’re beginning perimenopause. They can also help evaluate testosterone levels if you’re a man struggling to conceive.

Getting a blood test for your hormone levels can help doctors see if there might be other underlying health issues. For example, a woman’s hormones might get tested and indicate the presence of ovarian dysfunction.

Personalised treatment plans

Personalised treatment plans

As the data derived from blood tests is invaluable, doctors can use this information to create personalised treatment plans to help you manage your overall health.

For example, if a blood test indicates that you’re low in iron, then your doctor might recommend some iron-rich foods to include in your diet or help you find an iron supplement to take.

The Health Collab 

The Health Collab 

Here at The Health Collab, we pride ourselves on giving our patients the best possible care, including ensuring all patients can have a blood test for the benefit of their health.

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