Free Basic Health Care

Free Basic Health Care

What is a Sustainable Healthcare System?

What is a Sustainable Healthcare System?
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With wider issues affecting the environment on a daily basis, understanding the impact our healthcare system has on sustainability is more important than ever.

Everyone gets sick from time to time, which makes healthcare an important part of every community. Depending on internal and external factors, a sustainable healthcare system assists those in need of healthcare while minimising their impact on the environment.

The advancements in healthcare have made all the difference to how we treat and care for patients but have also had an impact on how resources are used and the amount of greenhouse gas emissions we produce. Healthcare isn’t the only culprit making an impact but this sector does play a large role in environmental risks.

In this blog, we will explore the ways in which free basic health care can build healthy communities while factoring in the environment.

Save Energy 

Save Energy 

From design to construction, saving energy can be as simple as choosing the correct light globes in an establishment. Factoring in types of heating or cooling in the establishment can also make all the difference to the amount of energy produced.

Preserve Water 

Preserve Water 

Choosing water-efficient cleaning appliances such as washing machines or dishwashers when building an establishment can save litres of water per year. Replacing toilets, washrooms systems and showers with lower pressure faucets and the like can reduce the amount of water used on a daily basis. Opting for grey water where possible is also a great way to reduce water consumption.



Hospitals and healthcare establishments require the use of single use plastics often for hygiene reasons. Recycling these items where possible can make any establishment more sustainable.

The use of toxins and toxic chemicals are also often found in healthcare establishments and hospitals. Items like fluorescents, monitors, LCD displays and flame-retardant materials need to be disposed of with care. Many of these items can be recycled so it can make a difference to be conscious of this at the time of purchase.

The Health Collab 

The Health Collab 

Playing our part wherever we can in keeping the environmental impact at a minimum, The Health Collab factors in each of the considerations stated above.